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Frequently asked questions & answers relating to our professional home cleaning services. From carpet cleaning to sofa and mattress cleaning. 

Its always a good idea to ask questions!

Questions and answers relating to our carpet, sofa, mattress and rug cleaning services –

Q- Will our carpet shrink after cleaning?

A- No. We are experienced and fully qualified. If we have any concerns before cleaning a carpet, we will always test fibres to ensure the correct method is used. 


Q – Can wool carpet be cleaned? 

A- Absolutely – yes. A carpet cleaning customer asked us this question recently. This was because a local ‘expert’ carpet cleaner advised her that a wool carpet can’t be cleaned. 


Q- Are the services offered by your company completely insured?

A-Yes indeed. We hold full treatments risk insurance. This means that every service that we deliver is totally covered by our insurance company ( Hiscox)


Q – Will our house smell of synthetic chemicals when you are finished?

A – No. Our advanced cleaning solutions are odourless. Leaving no offensive fumes in your home.


Q- How long will carpeted areas cleaned take to dry?

A- Drying times are dependent on air movement and conditions. Drying times are usually 3-4 hours.


Q- Can you clean Sisal or Seagrass floor coverings?

A – Yes we can. We have specialist equipment and dry cleaning solutions that ensure a safe clean is delivered every time.


Q- When I clean a stain with supermarket cleaners the mark returns, why is this?

A- Most supermarket carpet cleaning products contain soaps & detergents. When products in the fibres dry, they are extremely sticky and attract more dust and dirt. Thus giving the impression that the stain has returned.


Q – Can you remove wood dye from carpets caused by antique furniture?

A – This particular type of stain is damage. Wood dye from furniture will re colour carpet fibres.


Q – Do you offer special offers and deals?

A- No. We offer excellent value for money all year round. As we use the very latest equipment and best products available.


Q- Is it best to clean rugs offsite or onsite?

A- Offsite rug cleaning / beating delivers a far better deep down clean than an on site clean.


Q – Can carpets be walked on after you have finished cleaning?

A – Yes. We provide our clients with protective overshoes. If you need to walk on freshly cleaned carpets in your home, just slip them on!

More cleaning questions and answers

Q – Can you clean stair carpets? 

A – Yes of course, we have specialist agitation equipment and stair cleaning tools made for the job!


Q – How often should carpets be cleaned? 

A – A lot depends on the foot fall in your home, if you have children or pets, if you live near a busy road, for example. But we recommend cleaning your carpets each year.


Q – Can you remove make up from carpet fibres? 

A – Yes we can. We have advanced oil based stain treatments that are effective on make up spillages.


Q – Do you offer end of tenancy cleans?

A – Yes we do, we are often asked to clean carpets for people leaving their rented property. 


Q – Should I employ a domestic cleaning company to clean our carpets after our tenancy?

A – Hiring a specialist carpet cleaning company will dramatically increase the chances of receiving your deposit back after leaving a rented property. Usually cleaning equipment, solutions and experience will ensure a better job is executed



Q – Can you collect keys from local agents and clean the carpets in our new house before we move in?

A – Yes we can, in actual fact we do this regularly. We are happy to liaise with agents and clean all of your house carpets before you move in, its the perfect time to do this!


Q – Do you provide insurance assessments for damage – spillages ?

A – Yes we have been providing surveys like this for years. As we are NCCA members and qualified, we are often asked to do this.


Q – Can you remove chewing gum / blue tac from carpet fibres?

A – This is part of our service, we have been winning battles with chewing gum and Blu-tac for many years!


Q – Do domestic shop bought wonder carpet cleaners damage carpet?

A – In our experience this answer is a yes. Domestic spotters often have bleaching agents and basic detergents. Which potentially have a negative impact on carpet fibres.


Q – Can you remove pot plant rot marks?

A – NoUsually pot plant marks are caused by pots being porous. Regular watering sees moisture drip into the carpet over extended periods. This in turn damages the fibres. Marks like this tends to be damage.


Q – Can you remove burn marks from carpets?

A- Believe it or not, we have been asked this question many times over the years, the answer is no. (this applies to iron marks too)


Q- Why should I not scrub my carpets when treating stains?

A-  Scrubbing carpet fibres will often damage them. They tend to go frizzy and fluffy.


Q- Can you clean silk carpet?

A – Yes, silk carpets can be cleaned with appropriate cleaning using he correct cleaning solutions. 


Q – Can any stain be removed?

A – Not all stains can be removed, any company advertising that any stain is removable isn’t being honest.


Q – Can furniture dent marks in carpets be removed?

A – Carpet fibres have a memory, a bit like a hose pipe. Once crushed for many months, lifting dents can be almost impossible. We do however use a professional counter rotating brush machine, this can help.


Q- Will a deep carpet clean remove insects in a carpet?

A- Yes, a professional carpet clean can remove, fleas, flea eggs, dust mites, carpet moths and eggs, dust mite excrement and more.


Q- Is it possible to remove rust from carpet fibres?

A- Yes, we have excellent rust removing products.


Q- Will your carpet cleaning process help with UV bleaching?

A- Unfortunately not. UV sun damage can only be rectified by employing a carpet re colouring company.


Q- Our builders used a protective product called ‘roll & stroll’ which has left a sticky residue in the carpet fibres, can you deal with this?

A – Yes we can. This is a request regularly made over the years. after carpet cleaning, fibres were left residue free.


Q- Another company cleaned our carpets recently, leaving strong synthetic odours in each room, will your carpet cleaning process remove this?

A- Yes it will. We have had this very request several times over the years.


Q – My wife has just dropped a bottle of nail varnish over our cream bedroom carpet, can you help?

A- Its a difficult spill to remove, but we have succeeded in completely removing this type of spillage over the years.


Q- Can we walk on carpets you have cleaned straight away?

A- Its advisable to keep off recently cleaned carpet areas for at least 4 hours, but we always provide our clients with overshoes, if you slip them on before walking on the freshly cleaned carpeted areas no marks will appear.


Q – How soon after building work should I have my carpet cleaned?

A – We usually suggest leaving professional carpet cleaning for two weeks after your builders have gone. Purely because dust will be in the atmosphere in your home. 


Q – Will cleaning my carpets increase my chance of selling my house?

A – We believe so. A well maintained and presentable home will always be much more appealing than a dirty one!


Q- Is your carpet cleaning system noisy?

A – During preparation our TM3 & TM4 machines brush the cleaning solution into the fibres, they are quiet. Our main rinsing / cleaning machines are fairly noisy. We can often leave them outside your home when we work.


Q – After carpets have been cleaned, which vacuum cleaner would you recommend to maintain the carpets?

A – We are asked this question regularly. We always suggest buying a SEBO vacuum cleaner. For durability and effective cleaning.


Q- I live in a flat with no lift. Can you manage to carry your carpet cleaning equipment upstairs?

A – Yes. If we know that a block has no lift, two of us attend to ensure there is no problem.